3 Ways a Penny Can Be Lucky

3 Ways a Penny Can Be Lucky

Aug 12th 2020

“Find a penny, pick it up. All-day long, you’ll have good luck.” Or something like that, right? But why? Why will you have good luck if you swipe a penny off the sidewalk or discover one between the couch cushions?

Some of the beliefs about pennies came from ancient civilizations that had strong ties to metals and their gods. They believed that items such as copper were gifts from the gods. If you found some, you snagged it because it would provide protection from evil.

Legend also has it that you just can’t go around picking up a penny any old way! If you find a penny heads up, it is associated with good, and therefore free for the taking. If you should find one trailside up, however, leave it be! It is considered unlucky – even if it could bring a little more wealth without luck.

A lucky penny can be even luckier when they are of a certain kind. For example, the Indian Head Penny and the Wheat Penny are both considered lucky because of their rarity and higher value. The Indian Head Penny was in circulation from 1859 – 1909 when the Wheat Penny was introduced. The circulation of the Wheat Penny ended in 1956.

Whether you believe in the luck behind the penny, it is still always fun to find a nice, shiny penny throughout your day!