7 Surprising Presidential Furnishing Facts

7 Surprising Presidential Furnishing Facts

Feb 17th 2020

Not surprisingly, even the furnishings of the White House have unique stories, origins, and places in history. Here are some of our favorite facts that we’ve discovered on our Nation’s leaders and their interesting influences over the furnishings at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

~1. President Chester Arthur refused to occupy the White House until it was completely redecorated. He auctioned off all of the old furniture – twenty-four wagonloads along with thirty barrels of china.

~2. Some of the oldest pieces in the White House include Bellange chairs and sofa that date back to the early 1800s. The exquisite Parisian pieces were part of President Monroe’s refurbishing efforts after the 1814 fire.

~3. In a gesture of thanks and goodwill, the Resolute Desk was a gift from Queen Victoria to America in 1880. This desk was later modified with a hinged panel by FDR to hide his legs. This same panel became the door to John F. Kennedy Jr.’s “house” where he was often found hiding under his presidential father’s desk in the oval office.

~4. President Kennedy suffered from back problems linked to injuries sustained in war. Doctors recommended a rocking chair to help alleviate pain. It worked so well for him that he even brought one on Air Force One.

~5. In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was present with an intricate grand piano from the Steinway family. Featuring gold leaf decoration and gilded mahogany legs. This piece of art is still often played by the Marine Band at gatherings.

~6. Did you know President Thomas Jefferson invented the first swivel chair? It’s where he sat as he wrote the Declaration of Independence.

~7. The rosewood bed purchased by First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln in the Lincoln Bedroom was actually not used by the President in that room. The Lincoln Bedroom was what the President utilized during his time in office as his study.

Now, in honor of Presidents Day, head off to dazzle your friends and family with your random Presidential knowledge!