Hindsight Advice for Starting Penny Mustard

Hindsight Advice for Starting Penny Mustard

Sep 7th 2023

Anyone who’s ever run a business can tell you that a lot of hard work goes into it, and many lessons come from it. Over the past 30 years, we have learned a lot. If only we had known some of these things when we started…

After three decades in business, Penny Mustard Furnishings has seen its fair share of challenges, triumphs, and valuable lessons. It’s like embarking on a long journey, where the road is winding and sometimes unclear, but every turn teaches you something new. Looking back, there’s a wealth of wisdom that Ben, Arvid, and Nicole, the key figures behind Penny Mustard, would love to share with their younger selves. These insights, born from years of experience, are not just advice but stories filled with lessons you only learn through time.

Ben’s Insights

Integrity: The Unwavering Compass

Ben Huth, one of the co-founders of Penny Mustard, believes that integrity is the bedrock of any successful business. Over the years, he’s learned that sticking to your principles builds lasting trust with customers even when the going gets tough. He recalls moments when the business faced challenges, and there was a temptation to take shortcuts or try something that didn’t align with their values. But Ben’s advice to his younger self and anyone in business is to always stay the course.

“There were times when the business wasn’t doing as well as we’d hoped, and the pressure to make quick fixes was immense. It’s in those moments that you have to remind yourself of what’s truly important. Doing the right thing isn’t always easy, especially when you’re feeling the pinch. But I can tell you, after three decades, that those decisions to stick to our values were the ones that paid off in the long run. It’s about treating your customers the way you’d want to be treated, no matter what. Integrity isn’t just a business strategy; it’s a way of life.”

Trusting Your Gut: The Silent Guide

Another lesson Ben has learned over the years is the importance of trusting your instincts. In a world driven by data and opinions, it’s easy to second-guess yourself. But more often than not, Ben has found that his gut feelings have been spot on. He advises young entrepreneurs to listen to that inner voice.

“Over the years, people have tried to convince us to take various paths, backed by all sorts of data and advice. But there were times when something just didn’t feel right. Those were the moments when our gut was telling us to pause, to reconsider. And you know what? The times we ignored that instinct, we ended up regretting it. Your instincts are like a compass that’s been fine-tuned by experience. Trust them. They might not always have all the answers, but they’ll steer you away from the wrong ones.”

Empowering the Team: A Recipe for Success

Ben quickly points out that Penny Mustard’s success is not just about his or Arvid’s leadership. It’s about the team they’ve built—people who are passionate, dedicated, and empowered to make decisions. He emphasizes the importance of giving employees the freedom to do their jobs without micromanagement.

“I’m incredibly proud of our team. They’re the ones who bring our vision to life every day. It’s one thing to have a great idea, but it’s another to have a team that can execute it even better than you imagined. Over the years, I’ve learned that if you’ve hired the right people, you need to trust them. Let them run with their ideas, let them take ownership. If you find yourself micromanaging, it might be time to reassess your hiring process. A strong team doesn’t need to be watched constantly—they need to be empowered.”

Arvid’s Perspective

Taking the Leap: Embracing Calculated Risks

Arvid Huth, Ben’s brother and co-founder, has always believed in the power of taking risks. But not just any risks—calculated ones. A quote from Roy H. Williams guides him: “Jump and the net will appear.” For Arvid, this means that if you’ve done your homework and everything points to an opportunity being the right move, you should go for it.

“Starting Penny Mustard was a leap of faith. We didn’t have all the answers, and there were no guarantees. But we believed in what we were doing, and we’d done the work to understand the risks. Looking back, I’d tell my younger self to take that leap every single time. It doesn’t mean being reckless; it means being brave enough to act when the time is right. Success doesn’t come to those who wait for perfect conditions—it comes to those who are willing to jump when the moment is right.”

Persistence: The Power of Never Giving Up

Another key to Arvid’s success is persistence. He often reflects on a quote by Calvin Coolidge that emphasizes the importance of perseverance and determination. Arvid says these qualities are more important than talent, genius, or education.

“Persistence is what gets you through the tough times. There have been moments when it felt like we were taking two steps back for every step forward. But the key is to keep moving, no matter how small the steps might be. Success isn’t about how many times you get knocked down; it’s about how many times you get back up. If I could give one piece of advice to my younger self, it would be to stay persistent. There will be failures along the way—sometimes big ones. But those failures are just stepping stones if you keep pushing forward. The only way to truly fail is to give up.”

Nicole’s Thoughts

Fairness: A Long-Term Perspective

Nicole, the Director of Sales at Penny Mustard, has a different but equally valuable perspective. She’s learned that in business, fairness isn’t always immediate. In the early days, she often felt frustrated by the seemingly unequal rewards for her hard work. But with time, she’s realized that fairness plays out in the long run.

“When you’re starting out, it’s easy to get caught up in what seems unfair. You put in all this work, all this passion, and sometimes it feels like you’re not getting the recognition or rewards you deserve. But looking back, I see that everything balanced out eventually. The key is not to get lost in the short-term frustrations. Keep your eye on the bigger picture, and trust that your efforts will be rewarded over time.”

Consistency: The Key to Winning the Long Game

Nicole’s final piece of advice is about consistency. In her experience, staying consistent—even when it feels like you’re not making progress—ultimately leads to success.

“Consistency is the unsung hero of success. It’s not always glamorous, and it doesn’t always deliver instant results. But it’s the one thing that will carry you through the ups and downs. I’ve seen people give up just before they were about to achieve something great, simply because they got tired of waiting. My advice? Stick with it. Even when it feels like you’re giving more than you’re getting, keep pushing. Success is a long game, and those who stay consistent are the ones who win in the end.”

The Wisdom of Experience

As they reflect on their journey, Ben, Arvid, and Nicole recognize that the lessons they’ve learned are a testament to the power of experience. Hindsight might be 20/20, but it also reminds them how far they’ve come. If they could go back and advise their younger selves, it would be to embrace the journey, trust in their values, and keep moving forward no matter what.

Ultimately, Penny Mustard’s story is one of resilience, integrity, and the courage to take risks. It’s a story that continues evolving, with each chapter bringing new challenges and lessons. But one thing remains constant: the belief that anything is possible with the right mindset and a little persistence.

For more stories about life and business lessons, check out From Farm to Table: How the Huth Brothers went from Dairy to Design, Why Do We Say “Make Hay While the Sun Shines?”, and Life Lessons from the Farm about Running a Business.

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