Top Two Beloved Hunting Dogs

Top Two Beloved Hunting Dogs

Feb 27th 2020

Some are meant to be on a lap.

Some are meant to herd.

Some are meant to seek-and-find.

Whatever the reason, dogs identify deeply with their purpose and are happiest performing it.

Those with hunting in their blood, like the Chesapeake Bay and Labrador Retrievers. love long days outdoors activating the “300 million olfactory receptors in their noses” and spending time with their person.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Not that the “retriever” part doesn’t’ already give it away – but Chesapeake Bay Retrievers (or Chessie’s for those that are down with the lingo) are among the most elite of waterfowl dogs. Originating in the United States, the Chessie is known for its wavy, waterproof coat, a high threshold for cooler temps and icy waters, and an insatiable desire to retrieve.

The Chesapeake Bay Retrievers have an incredible level of intelligence that is often also noted with an equal level of stubbornness. This stubbornness is overlooked when they lay their golden “puppy eyes” on their human.

In addition to being fantastic hunting companions, Chessies are also unwavering watchdogs, exceptional therapy workers, and revered in the areas of search-and-rescue work.

Chessie, Sir Remington I in action.

Labrador Retriever

Honestly, when anyone (outdoors person or not) thinks of a hunting dog, the Labrador Retriever is likely the first canine they think of. It’s actually the most popular dog among those Duck Unlimited members that own a dog. These friendly, loyal, human loving dogs are consistently favored for families and hunters alike. Their loving nature and willingness to protect their humans make them excellent for families. Their water-resistant coats, webbed toes, otter-like tail, and consistent “let-me-fetch-all-the-things” traits make them excellent for hunters.

Iconic Black Lab, Daisy (AKC Miss Lori’s Daisy Bouquet) after a few retrieving dives.

Watching retrievers put their training into action is mesmerizing too.

Even in the “off-season,” training doesn’t stop.


Because the bond starts young and everyone needs a dose of this cuteness.