What’s in a Name?: Triscuit

What’s in a Name?: Triscuit

Oct 11th 2023

The perfect companion for cheese, sausage, apples, or dips, Triscuits aren’t your run-of-the-mill crackers. Sure, the name is a play on the word “biscuit”, but do you know where the “tri” comes from? You may be surprised…

In the wide world of snacks, few treats have stood the test of time like Triscuit crackers. With their satisfying crunch and wholesome flavor, Triscuits have been a staple in American pantries for over a century.

Innovation Meets Simplicity

Triscuit's story began at the start of the 20th century when Henry Perky, inventor of shredded wheat breakfast cereal, took his creation, cooked it in water, rolled it into thin sheets, and toasted it. The result was a sturdy, crispy cracker that retained the natural goodness of whole wheat. Perky believed that shredded wheat was the “most perfect food that was ever devised for the nourishment of man,” which made it the perfect ingredient for a healthy snack biscuit.

While no official record exists, the prevailing theory behind the origin of the name "Triscuit" involves a clever play on words. It combines "electricity" with "biscuit," reflecting the innovative spirit of the time when electricity was a symbol of modernity and progress. According to one of the company’s early advertisements, Triscuits at the time were “baked by electricity, the only food on the market prepared by this 1903 process.”

Variety and Adaptation

Triscuit quickly gained popularity due to its simplicity and wholesomeness. In 1928, the National Biscuit Company, (which later became Nabisco) recognized the potential of Triscuit and acquired the brand. Under Nabisco's ownership, Triscuit continued to thrive and evolve. Perhaps the most significant development occurred in 1935, when the company began spraying the crackers with oil and sprinkling them with salt, giving Triscuits their iconic taste.

Over the years, Triscuit continued to adapt to changing tastes and preferences. New flavors and varieties were introduced to cater to different palates, and the crackers were made crispier. Reduced-fat versions and those seasoned with herbs and spices made their debut, expanding the Triscuit lineup to eleven different flavors and appealing to a broader audience.

A Timeless Favorite

In recent years, Triscuit has placed a strong emphasis on ingredient and supply-chain transparency. The company developed initiatives that allow consumers to see the farms where the wheat is grown, which is ideal for people who like to know where their food is coming from. The brand is also committed to using wholesome ingredients, and has earned Non-GMO Project Verification.

Today, Triscuit’s enduring popularity is a testament to its commitment to simplicity and wholesome ingredients. Whether paired with cheese, hummus, or your favorite dip, Triscuit crackers are a go-to choice for those craving delicious, crunchy, and relatively-healthy snack options.

Triscuit’s success is built on the power of innovation and the enduring appeal of simplicity. As the brand evolves to meet modern tastes, one thing remains certain: Triscuit is a timeless favorite that’s sure to delight taste buds for generations to come.

For more business-naming stories, check out What's in a Name?: Five Guys, What's in a Name?: Pizza Hut, and, of course, Penny Mustard: Our History.

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