Top Three Investment Pieces to Start an Heirloom Furniture Collection

Top Three Investment Pieces to Start an Heirloom Furniture Collection

Sep 18th 2022

When refurnishing your home, you may be tempted to settle for some budget pieces. But investing in high-quality furniture can be incredibly valuable in the long run.

An investment in quality furniture can last a lifetime… or even several lifetimes. The furniture you purchase today may be handed down and enjoyed by your grandchildren’s grandchildren. Here are three ways to start your family’s heirloom furniture collection.

An Elegant, Well-built Dining Table

When choosing furniture, you’re not just picking a piece to fill an empty space. You’re adding items to your home that will be used everyday. So it’s important for these pieces to be of the highest quality to stand the test of time.

Investing in an attractive, durable table and chairs enhances the look of your dining room while adding functionality to the space. (Honestly, nothing puts a damper on a home-cooked meal than creaky chairs and a wobbly table.)

Your heirloom dining room set will be custom built with durable materials of known origins. Lower-cost (and lower quality) furniture is often made with budget wood, plastic, and metals that quickly deteriorate, causing your dining room set to look and feel worn after only a few years of use. Additionally, cheap paints and finishes often contain harmful chemicals that can permeate the air of your dining space.

A highly functional, hand-crafted dining set from Penny Mustard piece is sturdy enough to withstand a significant amount of wear - from hot plates to the occasional wine spill. For more options, choose an expandable piece that grows alongside your family.

A Sturdy, Comfortable Bed

If you must choose only one piece of furniture in which to invest, make it your bed. It’s essential to create an optimal enviornment for the spot where you spend one-third of your life! You deserve a bed that easily withstands consistent use while staying stable and creak-free.

Your bedroom is the one room that best reflects your personal style. That’s why it should be filled with high-quality, long-lasting furnishings. And your bed is the focal point of the bedroom, so make sure yours enhances the look and feel of your space for years to come. .

A cozy place where you can relax at the end of the day is key for proper rest and relaxation. Your new well-built bed along - with a comfortable, flippable foam mattress - ensures you get the best sleep possible while improving your overall health and wellness.

A Cozy, Durable Sofa

The final investment heirloom piece to consider for your home is a top-notch sofa. Whether it’s used for chatting with friends, binging countless seasons of TV, or playing a high-stakes games of “Floor is Lava,” you need a sofa that holds up against whatever is thrown at it.

As the focal point of your living room, your new sofa should match your personal style and reflect what you want your space to look like. From colors and fabrics to overall construction, your custom sofa has a tremendous impact on the overall style and feel of your living room.

You spend a significant amount of time sitting on your sofa, so it should be an extension of you. Choose your size, comfort level, fabrics, arm supports, and reclining seats (with or without a motor). When it comes to long-lasting quality and comfort, the sky’s the limit.

If you’re ready to invest in your family’ heirloom furniture collection, Penny Mustard has the optionizable, sophisticrafted pieces that will last for generations. Your grandchildren’s grandkids will thank you.

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